The next Generation of recruiting and assessment

CREW-CONTACT offer recuitment services of qualified pilots to the global airline industry AND a customizable preparation for the specific demands of the new employer

This combination of recruiting services and preparing assessment knowledge of more than 20 years with an excellent success rate all over the world allows us to offer you this perfect product !

You want to have a position in the airline of your choice?      We prepare you for the  assessment.

We make you suitable for it!




We have preparation courses and online modules for various airlines and specially for  Chinese Airlines.

Enhance your success !



In combination with the ATTC Assessment Center we can create a modern, target-oriented personnel selection procedure for pilot recruitment.



Do yo need initial or recurrent training as an airline or individual pilot in CRM, DG, fire fighting and first aid?

We keep you current



























CREW - recruitment

CREW-CONTACT analysed the market situation regarding the demands of the airline industry and the needs of crew member.


CREW - module

You have already arranged a screening with an Chinese airline?

CREW-CONTACT can help to enhance you chances to suceed


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CREW - recurrent

CREW-CONTACT keep your you current in

CRM, DG, fire fighting and first aid.


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CREW - screening solutions

In cooperation with ATTC we have realized a cost efficient and customizable recruitment selection. With our capacity, psychological, knowledge or language modules you can create your own selection process specially tailored for your company

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